Pet Sitter Assistance

The Petbacker Pet Sitter Assistance has been created for pet sitters who host exclusively on PetBacker to assist a pet sitter financially when a claim is not applicable for insurance. It is a gesture of goodwill from PetBacker. It only covers the pet sitter (excluding family, pets and friends) in the event of bites or other bodily injuries.

  • The pet sitter can only claim 30% up to a maximum of $100 of any medical bills arising from the above mentioned bodily injuries. This assistance excludes property damage or any other physical item damage due to the pet and is not claimable.

The Pet Sitter Assistance is not valid should you have other pets staying with you during the incident that is not booked with PetBacker and can only be claimed a maximum of 3 times per year and once per pet. It is also not applicable to commercial entities. PetBacker will not be liable if the pet is lost or passes away and it is the full responsibility of the pet sitter.

  • In the event a pet gets lost. The pet sitter will be liable for any other costs incurred. Petbacker will only offer $100 for advertising on FB, Google
  • In the event a pet passes away, PetBacker will only offer $100 as a token of condolence to the pet owner on behalf of the pet sitter.
  • Any fees related to impounds, shelters or fines related to the incident is excluded from the program and will not be claimable.

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